A Sick Man Attempts to Murder the Cook single work   autobiography  
Issue Details: First known date: 1935... 1935 A Sick Man Attempts to Murder the Cook
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

Called upon to tend to a sick man, the Padre diagnoses sun-stroke. The man's delerium leads to a threatening situation for some of his mates. The Padre is reminded of a previous visit during which he had also been called upon to attend a very ill man. With limited resources, and no access to outside medical help, the Padre managed to tend the man for a few days until the next train arrived, whereupon he was transported to hospital.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Camel Pads R. B. Plowman , Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1933 Z1017870 1933 selected work autobiography prose Sydney : Angus and Robertson , 1935 pg. 245-249
Last amended 10 Aug 2010 09:15:08
  • Far North South Australia, South Australia,
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