Issue Details: First known date: 1999... 1999 Performing the UnNameable : An Anthology of Australian Performance Texts
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* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:Currency Press Real Time , 1999 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
First and Last Warning, The Sydney Front , Peter Wells , Mickey Furuya , single work drama (p. 1-6)
Call of the Wild, Jenny Kemp , single work drama (p. 7-24)
The 7 Stages of Grieving, Wesley Enoch , Deborah Mailman , extract drama

An extract from Wesley Enoch's drama The Seven Stages of Grieving

(p. 25-32)
Thursday's Fictions, Richard James Allen , extract drama (p. 33-44)
Quick Death, Richard Murphet , single work drama (p. 45-60)
Sum of the Sudden, Virginia Baxter , single work drama (p. 61-72)
Spitfire 1 2 3 ... From the Darwin Translations, Lyndal Jones , single work drama (p. 73-86)
Appearing in Pieces, Peta Tait , single work drama (p. 87-92)
Things Calypso Wanted to Say!, Margaret Cameron , single work drama radio play (p. 93-104)
Nobody's Daughter, Sidetrack Performance Group , single work drama (p. 105-114)
Beautiful Mutants, David Williams , Barry Laing , extract drama (p. 115-128)
The Geography of Haunted Places, Josephine Wilson , single work drama (p. 129-135)
Preludes to an Exile, Teresa Crea , single work drama (p. 136-144)
Undiscovered Land - Voyage 2, Graham Jones , Jepke Goudsmit , single work drama (p. 145-168)
All of Me, Mary Morris , single work drama (p. 169-177)
Eclipse, Elio Gatti , single work drama (p. 178-189)