Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 2010 Public Recluse : Patrick White's Literary-Political Returns
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Remembering Patrick White : Contemporary Critical Essays Elizabeth McMahon (editor), Brigitta Olubas (editor), Amsterdam New York (City) : Rodopi , 2010 Z1691441 2010 selected work criticism Remembering Patrick White presents the first major study of the full range of White’s work in over twenty-five years, and aims to bring this important author up to date for new generations of readers and scholars. Patrick White is a writer of moods and perspectives and the essays collected here range in their focus over his public presentations, his formal challenges, his spiritual leanings and dramatic gestures. They examine the breadth and significance of White’s intellectual contribution and consider the ongoing legacy of his thought and his art within national and international frames. As a collection, they focus our attention on what Patrick White means at the juncture of the present, reading his work through contemporary critical perspectives that further underscore the dynamism and substance of his writing. (Publisher's blurb) Amsterdam New York (City) : Rodopi , 2010 pg. 3-18