'A fast paced episode based story revolving around a group of friends in year 12 on the verge of finishing school and dealing with the minefield of the future and their relationships after school. William is in love with Rosy but seriously wonders if it worth risking a broken heart while he sees his friends' relationships fall apart. At the beginning of the show he asks the question; "So why is it we're not taken seriously? Young love is often trivialised by adults, but surely our emotions are just as valid as theirs. Love is consuming; relentless; it can keep us smiling for days, and it can leave us awake at night wondering hopelessly adrift in our own insecurities - does she, really love me?'
Source: "Advanced Screening 2010" Markwell Presents (Sighted 02/07/2010).
2010: Visy Theatre, Brisbane Powerhouse; 14-24 July 2010. Producer Markwell Presents; Director Jennings and Steven Maxwell; Assistant Director Renee Hood; Music Composition/Sound Design Guy Webster; CG Animation/Post Production Andrew Martin; Honeydew Studios Assistant Producer Nathan Sibthorpe; Stage Manager Natasha-Rose Pizzica; Costumes Vicky Devon. - Cast: Jawal Andary, Rachael Baskerville, Elizabeth Dennis, Myles McGuire, Josh Robinson, Megan Smart, Whitney Stacey, Elissa Stewart, Marcus Vanco and Carolyn Williams.