The Ultimate Story [2010] single work   children's fiction   children's  
  • One chapter contributed by each author.
  • Mei-Yen Kingwell and Jodie Turnbull (winners of the student competition for Victoria in 2009 and 2010 respectively) each contributed a chapter; Annie Tooby and Billy Robertson (winners of the student competition for New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory in 2009 and 2010 respectively) also contributed a chapter each.
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 2010 The Ultimate Story [2010]
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  • 'The Ultimate Story [2010]' was sponsored by the Age and Sun-Herald newspapers as part of their association with the 2010 MS Readathon. A new author contributed each weekly chapter; the final chapter was contributed by the student winner of a competition, one winner each coming from Victoria and New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Alternative title: Ultimate Story
First known date: 2010
Serialised by: The Sydney Morning Herald 1842 newspaper (10461 issues)
Published in serialised format in the Sydney Morning Herald's 'Get Writing' Education Supplement (delivered to schools). Five instalments were published over three weeks in May 2010. The final instalment (the result of a competition) was published in the Sun-Herald on 8 August 2010.
Alternative title: MS Readathon Ultimate Story
First known date: 2010
Serialised by: The Age 1854 newspaper (7346 issues)
Published in serialised format in the Age in five weekly instalments from 2 - 3- May 2010, with the sixth and final instalment (the result of a competition) published 1 August 2010.
Last amended 16 May 2011 12:02:59
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