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Courtesy of Galactic Central Publications (
y separately published work icon Venture Science Fiction periodical issue   science fiction  
Issue Details: First known date: 1964... no. 14 October 1964 of Venture Science Fiction [UK] est. 1963 Venture Science Fiction
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* Contents derived from the 1964 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Man Who Could Not Stop, A. Bertram Chandler , single work short story science fiction
Clavering steals the Shaara crown jewels and flees Earth. After many more crimes, including murder, on various worlds, he ends up on Faraway on the Rim. Once there, he can't be extradited, but he can be deported. Local laws make it virtually impossible for him to fence the jewels. He ends up going to jail and learns the name of a fence there. Upon looking up the fence, he learns that the jewels (which he stashed) have already been returned to the Shaara. He gets sent to jail again for the murder of the fence, and ends up press-ganged (as part of his sentence) into becoming a crew member aboard a ship that is leaving the galaxy entirely.

[Source: Todd Bennett. The Rim World's Concordance]
(p. 92-112)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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