'Selected by one of Australia's most acclaimed poets, this inspired collection captures the richness and scope of present-day Australian verse. It features innovative and exciting poems - many published here for the first time - from our best-known poets as well as daring and insightful works from rising stars.
Together they create a lively sense of conversation, of voices criss-crossing the continent, exploring the many themes that animated and inspired the nation's poets in 2010.' (From the Publisher's website)
Melbourne : Black Inc. , 2010 pg. 101-103'Martin Harrison (1949-2014) prepared and delivered this final manuscript at the end of a prolific creative life. With the vulnerability of a lover, the poet peels back one cover of truth after another; reckless for the evidence of the senses, he sifts light, sound, and smell. Poems like the skin of a world: breathing, walking, touching. Martin Harrison's culminating poetic achievement is a crossing over - stylistically, thematically, emotionally. Mapping the tragic chiasmus of love and death, it finally asserts the transcendent power of poetry to bear witness, to join us in a greater communion. Cosmopolitan and local, these triumphs of a 'late style' remind us what poetry is when its mastery allows the irony of existence to walk naked and to exult. ' (Publication summary)
Crawley : UWA Publishing , 2015 pg. 18-20