Money Just Stone single work   poetry   "Whitefellow think about money all day,"
Issue Details: First known date: 1959... 1959 Money Just Stone
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Tales from the Aborigines W. E. Harney , London : Robert Hale , 1959 Z499775 1959 selected work short story Indigenous story 'Many Aborigines have recounted these tales to me and in the re-telling I have woven the camp-life and customs of the story-tellers into the tales. As an end piece to some of the stories I have put in some verse to explain-in their quaint way of expressing their English-many of their observations about our ways of life. In gathering these tales I experienced many pleasures and happy days amidst a very intelligent people, and I now take this opportunity of thanking them for the stories they so willingly narrated to me around the camp-fires in the Northern Territory of Australia.' (Source: Author's Note) London : Robert Hale , 1959 pg. 112
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