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y separately published work icon A Change in the Lighting single work   novel  
  • Author:agent Amy Witting
Issue Details: First known date: 1994... 1994 A Change in the Lighting
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'When her husband of three decades announces he has a younger lover and wants a divorce, Ella Ferguson realises how protected her life has been—she has ‘seen no evil, heard no evil and spoken no evil’. Alone, enraged, she must come to terms with her failed marriage and her relationships with her adult children. A Change in the Lighting, Amy Witting’s third novel, is the compelling story of a woman cast adrift.' (Synopsis)


* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Text Publishing , 2017 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Reckoning, Ashley Hay , single work criticism

'Brace yourself : Amy Witting throws her first punch hard, fast and almost immediatly.

At the moment which became history, Ella Ferguson was wearing nightgown, dressing gown and slippers...

Her husband, Professor Bernard Ferguson MB, FRCS, was knotting his tie. That was why she was watching him. For thirty-two years she had taken pleasure in watching him knot his tie, handling the rich, dark silk, sliding the tightening loop under his shirt collar, where it settled into a firm, precisley placed knot. He was still extremely handsome, having stiffened more in mind than in body, but that movement recreated for her the beautiful,earnest young man she had married. buying ties for him, which seemed such a sedate occupation, was for her what the young people called a turn-on.

And then, halfway down page two of  A Change in the Lighting, Witting floors-unmoors- her main character entirely...'


(p. vii-xv)

Publication Details of Earliest 2 Known Versions of 2

    • Ringwood, Ringwood - Croydon - Kilsyth area, Melbourne - East, Melbourne, Victoria,: Viking , 1994 .
      Extent: 291p.
      ISBN: 0670855545 (pbk.
    • Ringwood, Ringwood - Croydon - Kilsyth area, Melbourne - East, Melbourne, Victoria,: Penguin , 1994 .
      Extent: 291p.
      ISBN: 0140249370
Show 1 more publication of this version
Alternative title: Un fulmine a ciel sereno
Language: Italian
    • Milan,
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Garzanti ,
      2022 .
      image of person or book cover 9028701652917991397.jpg
      Image courtesy of publisher's website.
      Extent: 272p.p.
      • Published September 2022.
      ISBN: 9788811001171

Other Formats

Works about this Work

A Reckoning Ashley Hay , 2017 single work criticism
— Appears in: A Change in the Lighting 2017; (p. vii-xv)

'Brace yourself : Amy Witting throws her first punch hard, fast and almost immediatly.

At the moment which became history, Ella Ferguson was wearing nightgown, dressing gown and slippers...

Her husband, Professor Bernard Ferguson MB, FRCS, was knotting his tie. That was why she was watching him. For thirty-two years she had taken pleasure in watching him knot his tie, handling the rich, dark silk, sliding the tightening loop under his shirt collar, where it settled into a firm, precisley placed knot. He was still extremely handsome, having stiffened more in mind than in body, but that movement recreated for her the beautiful,earnest young man she had married. buying ties for him, which seemed such a sedate occupation, was for her what the young people called a turn-on.

And then, halfway down page two of  A Change in the Lighting, Witting floors-unmoors- her main character entirely...'


The Disempowerment of Women in the Domestic Sphere : The Fiction of Amy Witting (1918 – 2001) Coleen Smee , 2013 single work criticism
— Appears in: Crossroads : An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics , vol. 6 no. 2 2013; (p. 94-103)

'This article examines ways in which the fiction of the acclaimed Australian writer Amy Witting, dubbed Australia’s Chekov and whom Helen Garner acknowledged as her ‘literary mother,’ interrogates the disempowerment of women in the domestic sphere, asserting that the home is a contested space and conflicted place for women. Witting subverts the notion that a ‘woman’s place is in the home’ by demonstrating that many

women are actually displaced and dispossessed in the inhibiting domestic spaces that are their ‘homes.’ In her fiction, women are isolated and excluded because of gender inequity

in regard to women’s rights and duties in the domestic sphere. Women are also marginalised in regard to inadequate financial rewards for domestic productivity and are affected by circumstances underpinned by discourses of poverty, class conflict and domestic violence. Witting asserts that the disempowerment of women in the home often leads to women appropriating masculinist attitudes and behaviours of oppression towards other women less powerful than themselves. In this article, these concepts are explored with close reference to five of Witting’s novels and interviews conducted with the author.' (Author's abstract)

The Wolves Always Howl Once: Finding a New Self in Jessica Anderson's Taking Shelter, Amy Witting's A Change in the Lighting and Joan Dugdale's The Gripping Beast Donat Gallagher , 1999 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Fantastic Self : Essays on the Subject of the Self 1999; (p. 219-226)
Stories of Women Set Out to Liberate Joan Slagle , 1996 single work review
— Appears in: Antipodes , December vol. 10 no. 2 1996; (p. 150)

— Review of A Change in the Lighting Amy Witting , 1994 single work novel ; Adultery Maurilia Meehan , 1995 single work novel
Peter Craven Looks at the Career of Amy Witting and Reviews Her Latest Book, "In and Out the Window" Peter Craven , 1995 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , September no. 174 1995; (p. 40-42)
Emotions Made Visible Roberta Munro , 1994 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Women's Book Review , December vol. 6 no. 4 1994; (p. 9-10)

— Review of A Change in the Lighting Amy Witting , 1994 single work novel
Caught in the Glare of a Marriage Breakdown Helen Daniel , 1994 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 30 April 10A 1994;

— Review of A Change in the Lighting Amy Witting , 1994 single work novel
Starting a New Life after 30 Domestic Years Peter Coleman , 1994 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 30 April - 1 May 1994; (p. rev 6)

— Review of A Change in the Lighting Amy Witting , 1994 single work novel
Dimly Lit Lives Fail to Shine Robin Lucas , 1994 single work review
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 10 May vol. 116 no. 5919 1994; (p. 96-97)

— Review of A Change in the Lighting Amy Witting , 1994 single work novel
Chasms of Pain Beverley Farmer , 1994 single work review
— Appears in: The Age , 7 May 1994; (p. 7)

— Review of A Change in the Lighting Amy Witting , 1994 single work novel
A Woman Not Made for Fame Susan Chenery , 1994 single work criticism biography
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 30 April-1 May 1994; (p. rev 6)
Peter Craven Looks at the Career of Amy Witting and Reviews Her Latest Book, "In and Out the Window" Peter Craven , 1995 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , September no. 174 1995; (p. 40-42)
Nurturers and Creators Peter Craven , 1994 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Age , 7 May 1994; (p. 7)
Its Really all About Writing Elizabeth Riddell , 1994 single work biography
— Appears in: Australian Bookseller & Publisher , March vol. 73 no. 1045 1994; (p. 14-16)
The Wolves Always Howl Once: Finding a New Self in Jessica Anderson's Taking Shelter, Amy Witting's A Change in the Lighting and Joan Dugdale's The Gripping Beast Donat Gallagher , 1999 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Fantastic Self : Essays on the Subject of the Self 1999; (p. 219-226)
Last amended 14 Apr 2023 08:51:52