y separately published work icon Quadrant periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2009... vol. 53 no. 12 December 2009 of Quadrant est. 1957 Quadrant
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* Contents derived from the 2009 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
What's Wrong with Australian Fiction? : A Sceptical Look at the Miles Franklin Shortlist, David Free , single work criticism
'Once in a while, a literary prize gets awarded to the most talented writer in the field. Admittedly this would happen a lot more often if the judges of such awards simply drew the prize-winner's name out of a hat. The Nobel committee, even if it occasionally pulled out the name of the hat-maker by mistake, would still obtain less bizarre results using the hat method than it does by applying its literary judgment. But still, when a literary award is given to the right winner for the right reason, you get a dim reminder of why such prizes were considered a good idea in the first place.'
(p. 22-29)
Hanging on to the Bitter End : PIR and Cultural Sector Exceptionalism, Jack Robertson , single work criticism
'Australian writers love comic exaggeration. Presumably. What else can we make of their sustained hyperbole throughout the Productivity Commission inquiry into restrictions on the parallel importation of books (PIR)? To suffer impeccable stylists like Tim Winton and publishers as savvy as Louise Adler hysterically touting this dinosaurian trade barrier as their only cultural defence against populist barbarian invasion has been enough to suspend your belief in suspended disbelief. Drop restrictions as the Commission recommends, Winton warned, and surrender again to stultifying literary occupation!'
(p. 30-34)
Christmastidei"In this season we celebrate", Leon Trainor , single work poetry (p. 35)
Annus Mirabilis Reversedi"Sexual intercourse came to an end", Jamie Grant , single work poetry (p. 47)
Requiem for Alexander Buzoi"The row of camphor laurels by", Jamie Grant , single work poetry (p. 48-51)
The First Drummer Boy of Xmasi"Yesterday I was at the Mall and I heard", Jennifer Compton , single work poetry (p. 60)
Summer in a Time of Wari"That summer made the suburbs seem a war zone.", Jamie Grant , single work poetry (p. 61)
Heroic Acting in the Stalls, Michael Connor , single work criticism
'Amateur theatre is an indictment of the subsidised theatres and subsidised play publishing houses for, wanting good parts and paying customers, they seldom choose new Australian plays from the deadlands. In amateur theatre there is no rush to present plays that have just been on in Sydney or Melbourne, especially those that have elicited rave reviews wherein the smell of bullshit is unmistakable. Audience hatred does not play well in amateur theatre.'
(p. 68-70)
Sightingi"Pluck out the detecting eye,", Andrew Lansdown , single work poetry (p. 77)
The Swingi"There's a place along the river where", Anna Buck , single work poetry (p. 91)
Lawnmoweri"Haircuts at school told you something", Todd Hardy , single work poetry (p. 96)
Suddenly I'm Not Australian, Tina Faulk , single work short story (p. 100-101)
Dreamer, Sophie Masson , single work short story fantasy (p. 112-120)
Last Rite for a Whitei"What rite gives him the right to write", Derek Fenton , single work poetry (p. 121)
Return Visit to Mount Darwini"Is that the baobab which shaded him", Derek Fenton , single work poetry (p. 121)
The Sugar Bag, Peter Ryan , single work column (p. 127-128)

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