y separately published work icon School Paper : Grades V and VI periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1914... no. 195 November 1914 of The School Paper : Grades V and VI est. 1912 School Paper : Grades V and VI
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  • Only literary material by Australian authors is individually indexed.

    Other material in this issue includes:

    • First page picture: '"Down Crags of Glitter" Sailor's Creek Falls, Musk Vale, Near Daylesford, Victoria' accompanying poem: 'Stanzas From "Orara"', [161].
    • Poetry: 'The Fall of D'Assas' by Felicia Dorothea Hemans (q.v.) with (unattributed) photograph: 'A Family in Auvergne, France', 165-166; 'Killed at the Ford (Scene: The American Civil War, 1861-1865)' by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (q.v.) 170-171.
    • Fiction: 'The Last Lesson in French' translated from the French by Alphonse Daudet ( 1840-1897) with (unattributed) photograph: 'A Modern French School' and illustration: 'Children in Alsace' from Hansi's Mon Village, 162-165.
    • Prose: 'The First Grenadier of France' (unattributed) with two (unattributed) photographs: 'Statue of the French Republic, Paris' and 'Monsieur Raymond Poincare President of the French Republic', 166-170.
    • Song: 'The Marseillaise', 174-176.
    • Notices: 'The Victorian State Schools' Patriotic League', 176.


* Contents derived from the 1914 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Stanzas from Orarai"The strong sob of the chafing stream", Henry Kendall , extract poetry (p. [161]-162)
Note: With illustration: '"Down the Crags of Glitter" Sailor's Creek Falls, Musk Vale, Near Daylesford, Victoria'.
The Legend of the Black Opal, J. T. Gilmour Wallace , single work prose children's (p. 171-173)
Note: Part I for continuation. With three photographs: 'The Mother' from The Picturesque Atlas of Australia, 'Father and Son' photograph lent by the Aborigines Protection Board, Victoria and 'A Mia Mia or Native Hut, Australia: The Natives in the Foreground are Making Fire' (unattributed).

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Literary material by Australian authors in this issue:
Last amended 22 Nov 2009 17:21:15
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