'"Missing The Bus to David Jones" - a new performance that explores the themes of ageing and aged care facilities in Australia by acclaimed performance company, Theatre Kantanka, exploring the mostly unknown and frequently hidden universe of the women and men in nursing homes.
'This poetic reflection combines, text, physicality, new media and sound to enter a surreal world of altered minds and changing bodies.
'It's no secret that Australians are living longer, with the second longest life expectancy in the world. Almost 3 million Australians are over the age of 65 and this number is expected to triple in the next 40 years. Aged care facilities are stretched to the limit and the question of what to do with this rapidly increasing aging population is at the forefront of debate in Australia.
'"Missing The Bus to David Jones" tackles these issues head on - exploring Australia's diverse ageing population through the mostly unknown and frequently hidden universe of nursing homes. It considers the questions of aging that each generation face, as their parents and loved ones are no longer able to continue living at home, entrusting them to the care of others and the disaffected world of institutional care.'
Source: http://www.carriageworks.com.au/
Sighted: 19/10/2009