After the publication of Beverley Suttor's Original Poetry (1838), Suttor was ridiculed by some Sydney critics. This column reports on a placard which had been fixed to the door of the the Sydney Gazette office on the night of Tuesday 11 December. The placard mocks 'Booby Butter Esq' i.e Suttor. The content of the placard is reproduced in the column.
This column alludes to an untitled poem by 'An Australian' (fl. 1838) published in the advertisement columns of this issue of the Sydney Gazette. The column uses the publication of the poem to mock Beverley Suttor writing that '[w]e would seriously recommend Mr. Beverley Suttor to look to his laurels, lest they should be wrenched from his brow ...'
Advertisement for performance at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, on 13 December 1838 of the 'Favourite Drama in three Acts, entitled the Duchess de la Vaubaliere ... with, for the first time, a new Farce, called The Turned Head'. The performance included a 'Pas Seul' by Miss Lazar and a 'New Song [performed] by Mrs [Anne] Clarke.'