Set in the fictional Waratah National Park (NSW), the Skippy series focuses largely on the adventures of a young boy, Sonny Hammond, and his intelligent pet kangaroo, Skippy. Sonny is the youngest child of Head Ranger Matt Hammond. Matt was left a widower in his early forties when his wife Mary died not long after Sonny was born. Other principal characters are Sonny's older brother Mark, Flight Ranger Jerry King (the park's helicopter pilot), and Ranger Clancy Merrick, the teenage daughter of another park ranger.
Number in series: 3.91A selection of Australian television scripts from the late 1960s and early 1970s. Some of these had been fully developed at the time of publication (including directions and camera directions), while others were still waiting to be produced and hence contain dialogue and directions that were undergoing development.
South Melbourne : Macmillan Australia English Teachers Association of New South Wales , 1972 pg. 159-188