Judy Andell lives in the little country town of Dingalong, where she has been brought up on her uncle's farm. She is in love with...
Tim Drew, struggling young proprietor of a garage, who is waiting until he is financially sound enough to propose to her. When she has a mild flirtation with...
Freddy Bellamy, an irresponsible journalist, Tim decides to wait no longer. But , before he can clinch matters, Judy has inherited thirty thousand pounds, a sum of money which Tim considers must separate them forever. Judy leaves Dingalong for the city to visit her aunt...
Sarah Lennox, whose daughters, Pam and Miriam, introduce her into Society. Caught in a whirl of social gaiety, Judy becomes acquainted with...
Neville McArthur, man of many adventures and few assets. McArthur discovers that, despite their apparent wealth, the Lennoxs are on the verge of bankruptcy, and promises to pay Mrs. Lennox's private debts if she helps him to marry Judy.
On a hurried business trip to the city, Tim Drew drives up to the Lennox home in a truck, and asks to see Judy, much to the amusement of her cousins.'