'Morton is a young boy who lives alone at the edge of a dark forest with his four prized clockwork animals. When a huge storm destroys his hut and scatters his possessions, Morton sets out to locate his treasures.
'On his quest, Morton makes a friend, learns how to defeat monsters, remembers how to smile and finds that there may be more to life than clockwork animals.'
Source: Sydney Theatre Company website, http://www.sydneytheatre.com.au/
Sighted: 12/07/2009
'Nothing is how it seems in the forest. Your best friend may turn out to be your worst enemy. A deadly poison might save your life. And two smiling children could become the most horrifying monsters of all.
'Morton is sure of one thing, however. His four treasures are lost somewhere in this forest and he has to find them, or life is not worth living. Mind you, with bizarre perils lurking behind almost every tree, Morton's life could end at any moment. If that isn't bad enough, he is travelling without a hankerchief.' (Publisher's blurb)