'Jakobi is two years old. He and his Nan love to do things together. Grandparents and grandchildren everywhere will recognise the different slants each has on life, and their love for each other. A beautiful picture book to share with someone from another generation.' (Publication summary)
'Girrungin is also the home of the Indigenous Women's Writer's Group for Healing, which shares stories and provides an outlet for creativity. The group was initiated by Dr Susan Gair and Lorraine Muller.
Jakobi and Nan is first work to come out of a local writer's group for healing. It is now one of several groups working with Black Ink Press, where participants express stories about their pasts, bringing with them a confidence in their lives and hope for the future. The project is funded by FaHCSIA as "Books that break the Cycle". Other groups meet in Townsville and Normanton.' Source: Black Ink Press