Issue Details: First known date: 2009... 2009 Readers and Editors : New Directions in Scholarly Editing
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Securing the Past : Conservation in Art, Architecture and Literature Paul Eggert , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2009 Z1591750 2009 multi chapter work criticism

    'We all have a stake in the past and in its tangible preservation, and we trust professionals to preserve our cultural heritage for the future. However, the concept and practice of restoration in all its form are entangled in many contemporary theoretical debates and problems. This book is the first concerted effort to examine together the linked philosophies of the different arts of preserving and uncovering the past: the restoration of buildings, conservation of works of art, and editing of literary works to retrieve their original or intended texts.' (Publisher blurb)

    Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2009
    pg. 185-213, notes 256-260
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