'Turning a quizzical eye to the woes of the heart and reeking with scandal and scurrilous vice,' Tom Wright 'transforms Voltaire's classic satire of enlightened insanity, Candide, into a cutting commentary on the "no-worries" bravura of the Australian swagger.
'Brought up in the household of a powerful Baron, Candide is an open-minded young man, whose tutor, Pangloss, has instilled in him the belief that 'all is for the best". But when his love for the Baron's rosy-cheeked daughter is discovered, Candide is expelled from the land - forced to make his own way in the world...
'Through lands ravaged by Plague, and tests of religion and sex, our hero's resolve never wavers as he travels across continents in search of his beloved.'
Source: Malthouse Theatre website, http://www.malthousetheatre.com.au/
Sighted: 18/05/2009