y separately published work icon The School Paper for Grades VII and VIII periodical issue   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 1918... no. 225 July 1918 of The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII est. 1896-1932 The School Paper for Grades VII and VIII
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  • Only literary material by Australian authors individually indexed.

    Other material in this issue includes:

    • First Page Picture: 'Mount Feathertop (6,300 feet), in the Bogong Range, North-eastern Victoria' by F. Foxcroft, Bright, [81].
    • Poetry: 'The Happy Warrior' by English poet William Wordsworth (q.v.), 85; 'The War's Recompense' [Between Midnight and Morning] by English author Owen Seaman (q.v.), 88-89.
    • Prose: 'The Magnolia' from Le Francais au Australie by M. F. I. Maurice-Carton (ed.), trans. by 'W.', with illus.'Flowers of the Magnolia', 'A Small Magnolia-tree in Full Bloom, Botanical Gardens, Melbourne', and 'On their Way to the Feast', 82-84; 'The Prayer of Nelson' (unattributed), 85-86; 'Our Purpose in Respect of the War' by Woodrow Wilson (q.v.), President of the United States, with portrait of the author, 86-88; 'The Australians Bar the Road to Amiens' (unattributed), with illus. 'Near the Battle-line in North-eastern France', 89-90; 'Progress of the War' (unattributed), with illus. 'Map Showing the Place where the World's Greatest Interest is at the Present Time' and 'General Foch', 91-93; 'The King of the Hospital' from The White Road to Verdun (1916) by Kathleen Burke, 93-94; 'About Alcohol' from Cheap Foods and Wholesome Foods by Professor Osborne (q.v.) and Professor David (q.v.), Sydney University, 94-95; 'Our Schools and the War' (unattributed), 95.
  • Preceding or following each piece is a short glossary of the longer words contained therein, as well as notes about people and places mentioned.


* Contents derived from the 1918 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Julyi"High travelling winds, filled with the strong Storm's soul,", Henry Kendall , single work poetry (p. [81])
The Six-Starred Flag of Anzaci"The six-starred flag of Anzac", Arthur H. Adams , single work poetry (p. 91)
A Sprig of Boronia : A Relic, William H. Winter , Florence Hull (composer), single work lyric/song
Even in its withered state, the boronia flower evokes beauty and power, and comfort at the time of death.
(p. 95-96)
Note: Editor's note: 'printed by permission of the authoress and of the publisher, F. M. Kenny, Melbourne'.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Literary material by Australian authors in this issue:
Last amended 7 May 2009 23:24:14