y separately published work icon The School Paper for Grades VII and VIII periodical issue   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 1918... no. 228 October 1918 of The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII est. 1896-1932 The School Paper for Grades VII and VIII
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  • Only literary material by Australian authors individually indexed.

    Other material in this issue includes:

    • First Page Picture: 'The Tricolor', with portraits of President Poincare (1860-1834), Generalissimo Foch (1851-1929), General Pau (1848-1932), and Premier Clemenceau (1841-1929), [129].
    • Poetry: 'In Praise of Fallen Patriots' containing stanzas from 'Tiresias' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (q.v.) and 'Ode Recited At The Harvard Commemoration' by James Russell Lowell (q.v.), 134; 'To a Skylark in France' ['Dedication to a Skylark Singing Behind Our Trenches'] by E. de S., from The Times, London, 137; 'Oxford in War Time' by American poet Tertius van Dyke (1886-1958), 141.
    • Prose: 'The Spirit of France' from The Times Literary Supplement, London, with illus. 'Paris, the Capital of France, on the River Seine' and 'A Recent Scene in an Alsatian School', 132-134; 'Captain Georges Guynemer, Aviator' from 'The Heart of Things' in Chambers's Journal, May 1918, 135-137; 'Ypres and Her Swans' from The School Journal, New Zealand, with illus. 'Flanders : Towns, Rivers, Hills, Forests, Canals, Railways, and Roads', 137-138.
    • Fiction: 'The Ancient Spirit' from the medieval French work, The Song of Roland, 131.
    • Natural History: 'Bird Study', from Everyday Nature Studies by Dr. J. A. Leach (q.v.), 140-141.
    • Non-Fiction: 'The French Mission to Australia' (unattributed), 131; 'The Seventh War Loan' (unattributed), with illus. 'A French War Loan Picture' by Alsation artist Hansi [Jean Jacques Waltz] (1873-1951), 142; 'Progress of the War' (unattributed), with illus. 'Map to Illustrate the American Advance on the St. Mihiel Salient', 143' 'Our Schools and the War : What the Soldiers Say' (unattributed), with illus. 'Presentation of Christmas Quilts (1917) to the Officers, Cadets, N.C.O.'s and Men of the Australian Flying Corps Training Depot', 143-144.
    • Correspondence: 'Summer in Flanders' from 'an officer's letter to his boys in Victoria', 139.
    • Recitation: 'The Rendezvous' by the Hon. Donald Mackinnon, M.L.A, Director-General of Recruiting', 144.
  • Preceding or following each piece is a short glossary of the longer words contained therein, as well as notes about people and places mentioned.


* Contents derived from the 1918 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Tricolori"Faithful to death, the banner that you bear", Guy Innes , single work poetry (p. [129]-130)
Bell-Birdsi"The bell-birds in the magic woods", Samuel Cliall White , single work poetry children's (p. 139)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Literary material by Australian authors in this issue:
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