Tossing and tumbling in his cardboard boat, a boy embarks on an epic adventure, discovering and exploring enchanting landscapes, encountering challenges and emerging with increased knowledge of himself and the world. An odyssey story for children told through rich imagery, sound and movement, Boat literally places children in the centre of the performance. Source: (Sighted 3/4/2009)
Over a professional theatre career spanning fifteen years, Wesley Enoch's directing credits have carved a swathe across Indigenous writing with productions of Gilbert's Cherry Pickers, Davis' The Dreamers and Jane Harrison's Stolen to name but a few. His writing credits are almost as many including co-writing The 7 Stages of Grieving with Deborah Mailman, and winning the 2006 Patrick White Award for his play Cookie's Table.
In a telephone interview with Mark Radvan, Enoch discussed some of the issues underlying Boat and made some interesting observations comparing directing works for adults and for the Indigenous community.
Over a professional theatre career spanning fifteen years, Wesley Enoch's directing credits have carved a swathe across Indigenous writing with productions of Gilbert's Cherry Pickers, Davis' The Dreamers and Jane Harrison's Stolen to name but a few. His writing credits are almost as many including co-writing The 7 Stages of Grieving with Deborah Mailman, and winning the 2006 Patrick White Award for his play Cookie's Table.
In a telephone interview with Mark Radvan, Enoch discussed some of the issues underlying Boat and made some interesting observations comparing directing works for adults and for the Indigenous community.