Issue Details: First known date: 2003... no. 14 (Arabic) June 2003 of Kalimat est. 2000 Kalimat : An International Periodical of English and Arabic Creative Writing
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* Contents derived from the , 2003 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
العرب بعد قرن الهزائم: هل بدأ قرن السقوط الحضاري؟, Peter Indari , single work essay (p. p. 31-34)
ديمقراطية Dimocratiyah Democracy (Indonesia 1999)i"The woman is curvatured without her teeth", Carolyn Van Langenberg , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. p. 59-63)
ارحلوا عن وطني "هذه الأرض التي نعشق" Leave My Countryi"This earth we love", Yahia as-Samawi , Eva Sallis (translator), single work poetry (p. p.26)
كا رولاين فان لانغنبيرغ: الإبداع باعتماد الحقيقة الصارخة, Raghid Nahhas , single work biography
— Review of Fish Lips Carolyn Van Langenberg , 1991 single work short story ;
(p. p.45-58)
أنا Ana I Am...,, Ann Davis , Shawki Moslemani (translator) single work poetry (p. p.64-65)
أسيرة الأوهام 'Asirat al-Awham Phantasm, Ann Davis , Shawki Moslemani (translator) single work poetry (p. p.64-65)
نهاية Nihayah Closurei"In the mornings", Ann Davis , Shawki Moslemani (translator) single work poetry (p. p.64-65)
احلم لي بمستقبل Ihlam li bi Mustakbal Dream Me a Future, Ann Davis , Shawki Moslemani (translator) single work poetry (p. p.64-65)
عت وجمال 'It w Jimal Moths and Camels, Ann Davis , Shawki Moslemani (translator) selected work poetry (p. p.64-65)
Snowflakes, Raghid Nahhas , single work column (p. 5-14)
Irhalu an Watani, Yahia as-Samawi , single work poetry (p. 26)
Carolyn van Langenberg : Creativity from Stark Realism, Raghid Nahhas , single work criticism (p. 45-58)
سلطانة العشاق سلطانة العشاقi"سلطانة العشاق في كون الهوى", Gad Ben Meir , single work poetry (p. 78)
جون لينون ومسألة مصرفية معقدة John Lennon w Mas'alat Masrafiyah Mu'akadah John Lennon and a Difficult Banking Problem, John Holton , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work short story (p. 79-86)