'Tammy Anderson, a proud Palawa woman, presents a critically acclaimed one woman show based on her childhood, growing up in Tasmania & Victoria. A mixture of monologue, movement & song, the show is often heartbreaking as Anderson relives the abuse she & her family endured.'
Source: Production blurb.
First produced at CUB Malthouse, Southbank, Melbourne, Victoria, by Playbox Theatre Company, 25 April - 5 May 2001.
Director: John Bolton.
Subsequently performed in seasons both in Australia and overseas.
Presented by Tasmanian Regional Arts and Ten Days on the Island, produced by Playbox Theatre as part of Ten Days on the Island: Flinders Island (28 March 2003), Ulverstone (29 March 2003), Orford (31 March 2003), Bagdad (2 April 2003), Cygnet (3 April 2003), and Hobart (4-6 April 2003).
Director: John Bolton.
Musician: Don Hopkins.
Cast: Tammy Anderson.