Torment single work   poetry   "Worry, anxiety, fear, grief,"
Issue Details: First known date: 2000... 2000 Torment
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Out of the Golden Silence : An Anthology of Multicultural Writings Philip Grundy (editor), Braddon : Canberra Multicultural Writers Group , 2000 Z355347 2000 anthology short story poetry

    From the Editor's Introduction: 'It may be questioned whether there can be any such thing as "multicultural writing" and indeed this anthology does not purport to represent any such thing. But the Multicultural Writers Group is an attempt to overcome the isolation of those whose writing takes place against a background of difference: different language, different background, different points of reference, different heritage. [...]

    [W]hen the authors represented here offer us their work, we encounter something new, something fresh and surprising. We suddenly see the world from another angle. Our conventions and assumptions are jolted into accepting new dimensions. And this is the best possible thing that could happen to Australian writing' (pp. 1, 2).

    Braddon : Canberra Multicultural Writers Group , 2000
    pg. 62
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