Issue Details: First known date: 1910... no. 129 May 1910 of The School Paper for Classes V and VI est. 1898 The School Paper for Classes V and VI : Empire Day Number
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  • Only literary material by Australian authors is individually indexed.

    Other material in this issue includes:

    • First page photographs: 'His Most Excellent Majesty, Edward the Seventh', 'His Excellency the Governor-General and Commander-In-Chief of Australia, The Earl of Dudley (Sir William Humble Ward), 'His Excellency The Governor of Victoria, Sir Thomas David Gibson Carmichael, [unattributed] [49]
    • Poetry: 'England' by William Shakespeare, 50; 'Scotland' by Sir Walter Scott, 50; 'Ireland' by A.P. Graves, 50; 'Wales' by Owain Alaw, 50; 'Canada' by Jean Blewett, 50; 'India' by J.T. Bodycomb, 50; 'South Africa' by Percival Gibbon, 50; 'New Zealand' by Ernest Currie (q.v.) 51; 'British Freedom' by William Wordsworth (1770-1850) 54; 'The Departure of Emigrants for New South Wales' by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844) 57-58; 'The Arsenal at Springfield' by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) 62-63; 'My Work' by Henry Van Dyke, 64; 'Advice To a Young Man' from Clifton Chapel a poem in Newbolt's The Island Race, 64.
    • Prose: 'The Empire Movement' [unattributed] illustrated with a photo of The Earl of Meath, 51-54; 'How the Boys and Girls of Australia Can Help the Empire' by Wm. Gillies (q.v.) illustrated with a photo of delegates captioned "The Imperial Conference, London, 1907" 55-57; 'Recent Empire Developments' by W., 58-61; 'The Empire of the Future: A Message To Young Australians From the Peace Society' [unattributed] 63-64


* Contents derived from the 1910 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australiai"To north, on the seas of summer, where the pearl flotillas swim,", George Essex Evans , extract poetry (p. 51)
To Australian Seameni"How can your hearts be craven?", E. J. Brady , extract poetry (p. 64)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Literary material by Australian authors in this issue:
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