If Christ Had Been Born in Another Time single work   poetry   "If Christ had been born in another time"
Issue Details: First known date: 1984... 1984 If Christ Had Been Born in Another Time
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Form: musical notation
First known date: 2008
Commissioned by The Oriana Chorale for premiere performance at the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Sunday, 21 December, 2008. Duration: 3 minutes 45 seconds.

Composer's note: 'Inspired by Edwards' strong imagery and fired up by the excitement and sense of celebration which is inherent in the story of the Nativity, I arrived at musical ideas which exhibit an energy and a rhythmic drive that propels the music to an uplifting conclusion, whereupon the choir sings, once more, the poem's opening verse...'

(Provided to AustLit by Matthew Orlovich.)

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