Prelude by the Reverend Doctor Henry D. Morris (pp.16-19).
Biographical Notes by Lynette Young (pp.88-94).
Lynette Young (p.89) reports that Rayment's son, James Tarlton Rayment, 'flew with the famous 460 Squadron. This young airman made over thirty-two bombing flights to Germany in Lancaster, Wellington, Blenheim and Halifax planes, attacking the heavily defended Krupps Works at Essen on six occasions. He also bombed Spezia and other cities in Italy, and many in France, during more than three years' service in England. Returning to Australia early in 1944, he flew with the American Air Force, and, in Liberators, bombed such advanced targets as Amboina.'
Bernard O'Dowd wrote to Lynette Young as recorded in The Melody Lingers On (1967): 38 in response to receipt of a copy of Eagles and Earthlings: 'I greatly appreciate your kindness in sending me Eagles and Earthlings with so much of real poetry (not modern thank goodness!) in it, and the interesting whimicality on 'yours truly'. I had admired much of the Rayment manifestations in the past, but was not acquainted with his poetry, so that your gift is one to ttreasure....' Rayment attended a reading of verse by O'Dowd at the Australian Literature Society on 24 July 1950.