Draga teta single work   poetry   "Draga teta"
Issue Details: First known date: 1988... 1988 Draga teta
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Language: Slovenian
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Anthology of Australian Slovenes 1988 Zbornik Avstralskih Slovencev 1988 Joze Preseren (editor), Sydney : Slovenian-Australian Literary & Art Circle , 1988 Z1048614 1988 anthology poetry prose

    Poems and prose by Australian authors from Slovenian background are presented in English or Slovenian. Some works in Slovenian appear with a parallel translation into English. There are also various announcements and description of events pertaining to the cultural and intellectual life of Australian Slovenes.
    To emphasize multiculturalism and the reconciliation aspect of the bicentenial celebrations the anthology also includes the Slovenian translation of works by Australian-born poets such as Geoffrey Dutton, David Brooks and Kath Walker, and a poem by Ngitji Ngitji in the Pitjantjatjara language.

    Sydney : Slovenian-Australian Literary & Art Circle , 1988
    pg. 56
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