y separately published work icon Earth Mirror anthology   poetry  
Alternative title: Espejo de Tierra
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... 2008 Earth Mirror
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* Contents derived from the O'Malley, Woden Valley area, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:Chilean Embassy, Australia , 2008 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Estudios Aborigínes "You 'study' us observe us analyse us write about us=Tú nos 'estudias'" Aboriginal Studiesi"You 'study' us observe us analyse us write about us", Anita Heiss , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 110-111)
Disculpas "What do you want me to do with your apology?=¿Qué quieres que haga con tus disculpas?" Apologiesi"What do you want me to do with your apology?", Anita Heiss , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 113-123)
Mi otro "You are 'my other' but you do not steal my gaze=Tú eres 'mi otro'" My Otheri"You are 'my other' but you do not steal my gaze", Anita Heiss , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 125-127)
Susurros de Luna "Across Margate Beach, Queensland, darkness covered the ocean=Cruzando la Playa Margate, Queensland" Moon Whisperi"Across Margate Beach, Queensland, darkness covered the ocean", Yvette Holt , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 132-133)
"Down on Midjimberry Road where poetry and salt air torment the neighbour's high season barking=Abajo en la calle Midjimberry" La Catrinai"Down on Midjimberry Road where poetry and salt air torment the neighbour's high season barking", Yvette Holt , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 134-137)
A Coat of Many Armsi"Hanging around in a sultry mood=rondando con humor sofocante", Yvette Holt , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator), single work poetry (p. 138-139)
Susurrros del Atlántico "The Atlantic Ocean sweeps a disturbing chill across this tapestry-stained window box=El Océano Atlántico barre un perturbador frío a través de la tapizada mancha del ventanal" Atlantic Whispersi"The Atlantic Ocean sweeps a disturbing chill across this tapestry-stained window box", Yvette Holt , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 140-141)
Thoughts of a Colonised Womani"A storm front is coming...=Viene un temporal...", Jennifer A. Martiniello , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator), single work poetry (p. 146-149)
Bailarín de aire "did I look for you?=¿Te he buscado a ti?" Air-Danceri"did I look for you?", Jennifer A. Martiniello , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 150-157)
Note: A poem in ten numbered untitled parts.
Tierra de mujeres "you ask / I talk=tú preguntas/yo hablo." Women's Countryi"you ask / I talk", Jennifer A. Martiniello , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 158-161)
Quickeningi"Colonial context=Contexto colonial", Romaine Moreton , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator), single work poetry (p. 166-177)
Lisa : una canción eterna "You blow through my hair=Soplas a través de mis cabellos" Lisa : A Song Eternali"You blow through my hair Lisa Bellear ubiquitous a song upon my lips", Romaine Moreton , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 178-181)
Productos de línea blanca baratos en la soñada gran oferta "if only the alloy-winged angels could perform better=si sólo la mezcla alada de ángeles pudiera actuar mejor" Cheap White-Goods at the Dreamtime Salei"if only the alloy-winged angels could perform better", Samuel Wagan Watson , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 186-187)
Para el velatorio y el baile del esqueleto "the dreamtime Dostoyevskys murmur of a recession in the spirit world=El tiempo de sueño de Dostoyevsky susurro de una recesión en el mundo de los espiritus" For the Wake and the Skeleton Dancei"the dreamtime Dostoyevskys murmur of a recession in the spirit world", Samuel Wagan Watson , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 188-191)
Almacenaje en frió "bussed it into Mitchell=transportado en bus a Mitchell" Cold Storagei"bussed it into Mitchell from out of nowhere and found it on ice", Samuel Wagan Watson , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 192-193)
Soñando estuco blanco "sprinkled in the happy dark of my mind=rociado en la obscuridad feliz de mi mente" White Stucco Dreamingi"sprinkled in the happy dark of my mind", Samuel Wagan Watson , Juan Garrido Salgado (translator) single work poetry (p. 194-195)