Vleeskens speaks of his work as editor of Fling and the aims of that literary magazine. He describes his family migration to Australia in 1958; his school days in Rooty Hill; his dislike of university studies; working at odd jobs around the country; involvement with drugs; translating his experiences into poems; moving into a rural dairying community in Queensland in 1975 and commencing an Arts Degree; his method of work and provides background information on some of his poems; working as editor for Makar Press. Vleeskens reads the poems: 'Hong Kong Suicide', 'Poem for Celia', 'The Japan Poem', 'Any Day in August', 'Sidewalk in New York', 'Soft', 'Comfortable as My Old Home','Touching on Red Cedar', 'Manning the River' and 'The '98 Flood'. (Source: LibrariesAustralia)