Work of Clamor Schurmann from Dresden Missionary Society around Adelaide and Port Lincoln areas 1838-1858; biographical information and personal names re local Aboriginal people; work as Deputy Protector of Aborigines; work on dictionary of native vocabulary; establishment of school for native children which was later absorbed into Poonindie Mission; attempts to intervene in massacres and other indiscriminate killing of Aboriginal people in retaliation for killing of whites and theft of food; Police Commissioner, Major OHalloran given authority to try, sentence and execute Aboriginal people by Governor Gawler; body ornamentation; weapons and utensils especially skin; food and hunting and gathering techniques; marriage and treatment of women; traditional medicine; initiation rites; sorcery and afterdeath beliefs; fighting; mortuary practices; bullroarers; encounters with Nawo, Ngadjun and Ngaiawang people.