y separately published work icon The School Paper : Grades V and VI periodical issue   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 1927... no. 341 September 1927 of The School Paper : Grades V and VI est. 1912 The School Paper : Grades V and VI
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  • Only literary material by Australian authors individually indexed.

    Other material in this issue includes:

    • First page picture: 'The Spirit of Spring', signed Edna E. Potter (bottom right hand corner) [113].
    • Poetry: 'Love's Labor's Lost', four lines from the poem by Shakespeare, [113]; Untitled poem by Blanche Baughan (1870) 114; 'Thus Came the Lovely Spring' by Longfellow, 122; 'The White Canoe' by Alan Sullivan, 124; 'A Spring Morning' by English poet Thomas Hood (1799-1845) 126.
    • Prose: 'My Childhood in Canada', from Reminiscences by Sir John Willison, quoted in Our Canadian Literature, 125.
    • Fiction: 'The People's Bell' (unattributed) illus., 123-124.
    • Song: 'Canadian Boat Song' by Thomas Moore, 128.
    • Notices: Spelling Tests (Victoria); Price of The School Paper, 121.
  • Preceding or following each piece is a short glossary of the longer words contained therein, as well as notes about people and places mentioned, and comments on the metre of poetry. There are also often 'General Notes' which ask the reader questions about the work.


* Contents derived from the 1927 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
[Untitled]i"Flower called to flower in whispers", Victor J. Daley , extract poetry (p. 114)
[Untitled]i"Grey Winter hath gone, like a wearisome guest,", Henry Kendall , extract poetry (p. 114)
[Untitled]i"In the Spring, when the wattle gold trembles", Adam Lindsay Gordon , extract poetry (p. 114)
[Untitled]i"Oh, the windy morn on Matlock, when the last snow-wreath had gone,", Frank Samuel Williamson , extract poetry (p. 114)
[Untitled]i"Gold of the tangled wilderness of wattle,", James Lister Cuthbertson , extract poetry (p. 114)
[Untitled]i"When the nights are blue and silver,", John Shaw Neilson , extract poetry (p. 114)
[Untitled]i"O father, let us go", Dowell O'Reilly , extract poetry (p. 114)
Bett-Bett and the Starry Sky, Mrs Aeneas Gunn , extract prose (p. 115-116)
Fire at Ross's Farmi"The squatter saw his pastures wide", Henry Lawson , extract poetry (p. 116-118)
The Champion, Ethel Turner , extract children's fiction children's (p. 118-121)
The Road of Now and Theni"Tinkle, tinkle go the bells,", Furnley Maurice , single work poetry children's (p. 122)
Season of Love and Laughteri"And jolly Spring, with love and laughter gay", Hugh McCrae , extract poetry (p. 125)
Bush Schooli"It nestles on the hill-side", M. E. McNutt , single work poetry children's (p. 126)
Resurgenti"O'er every field a lark;", Bernard O'Dowd , single work poetry (p. 127)
The Bush, Archibald Marshall , extract prose travel (p. 127)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Literary material by Australian authors in this issue:
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