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Adaptation of Ride on Stranger Kylie Tennant , 1943 single work novel
Issue Details: First known date: 1979... 1979 Ride on Stranger
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Film Details - Australian Broadcasting Commission , 1979


Alan Burke (executive producer).

Production Companies:

Australian Broadcasting Commission.

Production Designers:

Quentin Hole and George Liddle.


Arnold Butcher.


Liddy Clark (Shannon), Noni Hazlehurst (Beryl), Michael Aitkens (John Terry), Alfred Bell (Reggie), John Bluthal (Joseph Litchin), Bunny Brooke (Grannie Jones), Peter Carroll (Mervyn Leggatt), June Collis (Radio Producer), Don Crosby (George Benson), Marshall Crosby (Don), Ian Gilmour (Freddie), Ron Graham (Darcey Jones), Marion Johns (Mrs Knowles), Norman Kaye (Inspector), Debra Lawrance (Jenny), Margo Lee (Lucy Rossingdale), Lorna Lesley (Olivia Asche), Kevin Leslie (Herbie Poole), Brian McDermott (H.P. Holburry), Linda Newton (Girl in Park), Moya O'Sullivan (Ada Jones), Damien Parker (Rupert Barrington), Walter Pym (Bishop Steele), Warwick Sims (Damien Quilter), Henri Szeps (Vincent Sladder), Alan Tobin (Mr Dodds), Noel Trevarthen (Chaverin Brome), John Warnock (Andy), Brian Wenzel (Detective), and Barbara Wyndon (Aunt Edith).


Script editor: John Croyston.

List of episodes:

1. A Country Girl

Growing up in the country is not easy for Shannon Jones, her inquiring mind makes her an oddity among friends and family. ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 13 July 1979, p.24.

2. Saints and Sinners

Following Aunt Edith's engagement to the quack, Siadder, Shannon and her friend Beryl move to Sydney. The worst of the Depression is over, but there is constant news of trouble in Europe. Alert to the excitement of city life. Shannon encounters a variety of people and philosophies, falls in love with the dashing Damien Quilter and starts a new career in the world of radio. ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 20 July 1979, p.22.)

3. Peace in Our Time

[No synopsis available]

4. Bread and Circuses

Shannon returns to political activity to organise the electoral campaign for Damien Quilter. After 10 years in the city. Shannon is disillusioned and seeks to escape despite two ardent suitors. A crisis in her Aunt Edith's life gives Shannon the excuse to get away, leading to an unexpected reunion. ([Television guide], Canberra Times, 27 July 1979, p.24)

  • Sydney, New South Wales,
  • Country towns,
  • 1930s
  • 1940s
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