According to the Brisbane Courier:
'Animated dolls in the persons of the members of the company [hold] a carnival ... the dolls come to life - as most pleasurably excited children do - at an early hour, to wit 4 am, and after their excitability [has] been held in some reasonable check by the policeman, they [proceed] to enjoy the 'boy' and 'girl' dancing of Miss Dale and Miss Violet Sylvester, whilst they retire to rest - late in comparison with their hour of rising - at 6am' (31 May 1918, p.4).
One of the songs known to have been presented as part of the production was 'Toyland,' sung by Madge Griffith as she was carried off to Toyland by her faithful swan.
1918: Cremorne Garden Theatre, Brisbane, 30 May - ca. June.