y separately published work icon The Age newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... 12 January 2008 of The Age est. 1854 The Age
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* Contents derived from the , 2008 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Conversation, and the Lost Art of Its Ready Conservation, Kate Holden , single work column (p. 3) Section: A2
In a Novel Approach, Flannery Kills an Estate Agent for Laughs, Simon Mann , single work column
Tim Flannery tells Simon Mann about his foray into the world of fiction writing and also comments on his role as Australian of the Year.
(p. 3)
In for the Long Haul, Sacha Molitorisz , single work column (p. 6-7) Section: Traveller
How To Help Our Young Enjoy Reading, Agnes Nieuwenhuizen , single work column
Agnes Nieuwenhuizen suggests options for improving literacy and creating more engaged readers.
(p. 7)
It's Been a Big Year. I'm Going Fishing Mission Part Accomplished, Ben Cubby , single work biography (p. 8) Section: Insight
Note: port. (Tim Flannery)
Love in the Milky Way, Michael Leunig , single work prose (p. 14) Section: A2
Benediction on Patrick White, Robin Usher , single work column (p. 16) Section: A2
Old Rockers Back in Riot of a Revival, Jim Murphy , single work review
— Review of Shout! John-Michael Howson , Melvyn Morrow , David Mitchell , 2001 single work musical theatre ;
(p. 19)
Thinker, Traitor, Soldier, Spy? : Questions Linger, Matthew Ricketson , single work review
— Review of Rebel Journalism : The Writings of Wilfred Burchett Wilfred Burchett , 2007 selected work autobiography ;
(p. 20) Section: A2
The Feeder, Glenys Osborne , single work short story (p. 22-23) Section: A2
Note: Published in this source under the name: Glynis Osborne.
Childbirth and Creativity Go Hand in Hand, Jason Steger , single work column (p. 23) Section: A2
Unsavedi"She ran through the swinging doors", Sally J. Finn , single work poetry (p. 26) Section: A2
Note: Written as: S. J. Finn