y separately published work icon The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII periodical issue   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 1928... no. 339 October 1928 of The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII est. 1896-1932 The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII
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  • Only literary material by Australian authors individually indexed.

    Other material in this issue includes:

    • First Page Picture: 'Doves', from the painting by French artist Jean-Baptiste Greuse (1725-1805) [129].
    • Poetry: 'Doves', short extract from 'My Doves' by E. B. Browning, [129]; 'St. Francis to the Birds', by Irish poet Katharine Tynan Hinkson (q.v.), with illustration: 'St. Francis Preaching to the Birds' from The Children's Encyclopaedia, 130-131; 'The Green Lady' by "Fiona Macleod", pen-name of William Sharp (q.v.) 133; 'Stupidity Street' by British poet Ralph Hodgson (1871-1962) 135; 'If I Had But Two Little Wings' by English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), with illustration: 'Mr.and Mrs. Blue Wren and Family', from a drawing by Ernest Baker in Spotty the Bower Bird by Edward Sorenson (q.v.) 137; 'The Fountain of Tears' by Irish poet Arthur O'Shaughnessy (1844-1881) 141.
    • Fiction: 'Beating Off a Pirate - concluded', second part of an extract from Hard Cash by English novelist Charles Read (1814-1884) 142-144.
    • Prose: 'The Boy and the Bird' by Alex. Chisholm, "formerly of Victoria and Queensland, now editor of the Sunday Pictorial, Sydney", with epigraph: extract from 'May-Day', a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson, illustration: 'Please, Do Not Touch!', drawing of bird eggs by N. W. Cayley and F. S. Rodriguez reproduced in colour in The Australian Encyclopaedia, 131-133; 'Bird and Poet' by Cecily Boas, in her preface to Birds and Beasts, with illustration: 'A Spine-Bill', from a drawing by Neville Cayley in Why the Spine-Bill's Beak is Long by Amy Mack (q.v.) 134-135; 'Seasonable Work for Little Gardeners : October', (unattributed gardening instructions) 144.
    • Drama: 'Three Sundays in a Week', dramatised from a tale by American author Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), with illustration: 'The Open Sea', from The Sea and Its Wonders, 135-137.
    • Aphorism: 'Do It Now' by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 133.
    • Industry: 'Made in Australia: Articles of Brass, of Bronze, and of Wrought Iron', prepared by the Made in Australia Council, Melbourne, and issued as a supplement to The School Paper under the authority of the Minister of Public Instruction, Victoria, illustrated with photographs of the manufacturing process, i-iv.
    • General Instruction: 'How to Address Envelopes', supplement to The School Paper, Authorized by J. C. Westhoven, Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs for the State of Victoria, illustrated, i-iv.

  • Preceding or following each piece is a short glossary of the longer words contained therein, as well as notes about people and places mentioned, and comments on the metre of poetry. There are also often 'General Notes' which ask the reader questions about the work.


* Contents derived from the 1928 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Old Bush Days : Stanzas from 'The Sick Stockrider', Adam Lindsay Gordon , extract poetry (p. 142)
Note: Illustration: 'The Rider', from a drawing by E. L. Spowers, in the Gordon Memorial Volume published by T. C. Lothian, Melbourne [The Adam Lindsay Gordon Memorial Volume (1926)].

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Literary material by Australian authors in this issue:
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