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This image has been sourced from Booktopia
y separately published work icon Deltora Quest 2 selected work   children's fiction   children's   fantasy  
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... 2007 Deltora Quest 2
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  • Contains three stories which comprise the second of the three-part Deltora Quest series of books.


* Contents derived from the Lindfield, Chatswood - Gordon - Castlecrag area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,:Scholastic Press ,Scholastic Press , 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Cavern of the Fear, Emily Rodda , single work children's fiction children's fantasy
'The Shadow Lord's evil tyranny has finally ended. But thousands of Deltorans are still enslaved in the Shadowlands, the Enemy's own terrifying and mysterious domain. To rescue them, Leif, Barda, and Jasmine, heroes of the quest for the Belt of Deltora, must find a weapon powerful enough to combat the Shadow Lord's magic. According to legend, the only thing the Shadow Lord fears is the Pirran Pipe. But does the mysterious Pipe still exist?' (Source: publisher website).
The Isle of Illusion, Emily Rodda , single work children's fiction children's fantasy
Lief, Barda and Jasmine are desperately searching for the three parts of the fabled Pirran Pipe, their only hope of saving thousands of Deltorans held captive by the evil Shadow Lord. They have already risked their lives to gain the first part of the Pipe. Now they must find the second. As their loved ones left behind in Del stuggle in a thickening web of rumour, suspicion and treachery, the companions move on to the mysterious island of Auron. They have been warned that terrible dangers await them. But nothing can prepare them for the reality of what is to come.
The Shadowlands, Emily Rodda , single work children's fiction children's fantasy
Two parts of the fabled Pirran Pipe have already been found by intrepid companions Lief, Barda and Jasmine. Finding the third and final part of the Pipe on the emerald isle of Keras, is the key to survival for the thousands of Deltorans enslaved in the Shadowlands. Can the three adventurers complete the Pipe? And can the Pipe be made whole? Or is there a trap ahead for the brave threesome? Filled with doubt, Lief, Barda and Jasmine go forward knowing that whatever happens their quest will end in the darkness and horror of the Shadowlands itself.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • Lindfield, Chatswood - Gordon - Castlecrag area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,: Scholastic Australia , 2022 .
      image of person or book cover 5145518986169786460.jpg
      This image has been sourced from Booktopia
      Extent: 384p.
      Edition info: 21st Anniversary edition
      Description: illus.
      • Published 1st October 2022
      ISBN: 9781760978426
Last amended 18 Jul 2022 16:26:26