Issue Details: First known date: 1928... no. 350 July 1928 of The School Paper : Grades V and VI est. 1912 The School Paper : Grades V and VI
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  • Only literary material by Australian authors individually indexed.

    Other material in this issue includes:

    • First Page Picture: 'Only One Mother: It's Just the Same in France' self portrait of Madame E. L. Vigee Lebrun (1755-1842) with her daughter, 81.
    • Fiction: 'The Robber and the Spider' from Shepherds' Crowns by Pamela Grey, 82-83; 'A Boy on a Farm' illustrated story by American author Charles Dudley Warner (1829-1900) 93-94.
    • Poetry: 'Only One Mother' (unattributed) possibly by George Cooper, 82; 'In the Train' by English poet James Thomson (1834-1882) 83; 'Milk For the Cat' by British poet Harold Monro (1879-1932) with drawing of a Persian Cat, 84-85; 'What the Chimney Sang' by American poet Francis Bret Harte (1836-1902) 90; 'Driving Home the Cows' by American writer Katie Putnam Osgood, 92-93; 'A Thanksgiving Fable' by Oliver Herford, 94.
    • Drama: 'The Shepherds' Verdict' adapted from an English folk story in Nelson's Pattern Prose, Part 1, 88-89.
    • Prose: 'Why the Cat Always Falls on Her Feet' (unattributed fable) from Folk Stories and Fables by Florence Holbrook, illustration: 'She leaped down upon the serpent' 83-84; 'The Sea Serpent' extract from The Sea and Its Wonders by Mary and Elizabeth Kirby (Nelson) illustration: 'The Sea Serpent is Captured' 90-91.
    • Song: 'The Ash Grove' a Welsh melody, 95-96.


* Contents derived from the 1928 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Bush Cooks, Edward S. Sorenson , extract essay (p. 86-88)
Note: Illustrations: 'Tossing Pancakes' and 'The Cook Militant' by H. Selden.
Room For All, A. B. Paterson , extract poetry (p. 88)
Last amended 11 Dec 2007 11:00:52
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