y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Alternative title: The Long Arm; On Crime and Law
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... vol. 66 no. 3 2007 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Crime Writing : A Cliff Hardy Story, Peter Corris , single work short story (p. 10-22)
Notes for a Crime Novel (with Lana Turner)i"See Lana at the trial, see Lana Turner", Kate Middleton , single work poetry (p. 28-29)
Bad Credit, John Kinsella , single work short story (p. 39-42)
The Prose and the Passion, Penny Pether , single work criticism
Penny Pether searches for an Australian 'Constitutional Epic" in our recent literature and cinema.
(p. 43-48)
Catullus 117i"Word has gotton out about our wickedness,", David Brooks , single work poetry (p. 49)
Catullus 120i"Where do the self-righteous", David Brooks , single work poetry (p. 50)
The Lawyer's Tale, Wilfrid Prest , single work review
— Review of The Tyrannicide Brief David Williamson , Geoffrey Robertson , 2006 single work drama ;
(p. 61-65)
Triptych: The Lynching of Frank Embree, 22 July 1899i"Morning", Stephen Edgar , single work poetry (p. 77-78)
Those Hours Which Grew to be Years, Stephen Edgar , sequence poetry (p. 77-80)
Memorial: The Lynching of Rubin Stacy, 19 July 1935i"In the still transfiguration of sunshine", Stephen Edgar , single work poetry (p. 78-80)
The Grave of the Southpawi"Those who claim to have found it", Anthony Lawrence , single work poetry (p. 81-82)
Aeneas's Dingo Sonnetsi"Aeneas paused, amazed and silent", Stuart Cooke , single work poetry (p. 97-98)
South Countryi"slessor took barely-noticed risks", Michael Farrell , single work poetry (p. 110)
Sex Crimes in Suburbia, Jen Jewel Brown , single work essay
Reflecting on a rape of forty years ago, Jen Jewel Brown welcomes recent legal and scientific advances in the assistance given to victims of sexual assault.
(p. 111-117)
Dr G.'S Profession, Colin Oehring , single work short story (p. 118-126)
The House of Atreusi"In the parlour", Bella Li , single work poetry (p. 146-147)
The Lap Pool, Robert Drewe , single work short story (p. 162-177)
Voyagersi"It is impossible to enter this land except under cover of clouds,", Roberta Lowing , single work poetry (p. 178-179)
The Sacred Lawi"Singer, don't mention my body in your song.", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 180)
The Irreproachable Laws of Lifei"There's pigmeat on my plate again.", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 181)