Public Execution single work   poetry   "On this concrete daylight nicks its blade."
Is part of Island Days Jaya Savige , 2007 sequence poetry
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... 2007 Public Execution
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Heat Cartoon Ducks no. 14 (New Series) 2007 Z1432372 2007 periodical issue 2007 pg. 72-73
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Goddess Awakened : Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education Antonella Riem Natale (editor), Luisa Camaiora Conti (editor), Maria Renata Dolce (editor), Udine : Forum : The University of Udine Press , 2007 Z1546810 2007 anthology criticism This book brings together the proceedings of the International Conference entitled 'The Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Education and World Literatures in English' (University of Udine 19-22 April 2007), which hosted internationally renowned writers and scholars in Education and Language Studies, from Italy, Australia, India, South Africa and the United States of America. It combines partnership epistemological models with postcolonial literary criticism, thus creating methodological connections with non-binary and inter/multi-disciplinary cultural paradigms. Its main focus of attention is on the 'archetypical' sources of texts, especially in relation to stories or 'narrations' related to the Goddess figure, metaphor of a more caring and eco-sustainable vision of life. The book investigates the persistence of the ancient Triune Goddess and of other feminine archetypes, prototypical energy present in our past and present traditions, in two periods regarded as specular and conceptually linked: contemporary literatures in English (Australian, Indian, Canadian, South African, West-Indian) and Renaissance/Late Renaissance British literature. The awakening of the Goddess is also celebrated in the arts: poetry, drama, narrative, dance, and a photographic and sculptural exhibition of the Sacred Feminine, which can be enjoyed both in the book itself and in the two accompanying DVDs (publisher website). Udine : Forum : The University of Udine Press , 2007 pg. 278-279
    Note: As part of 'Island Days' Sequence
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Surface to Air Jaya Savige , St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 2011 Z1802846 2011 selected work poetry 'Surface to Air, evolving over a period of five years from 2006 to 2011, is an impressive follow-up to Savige's extremely successful debut Latecomers. It charts Jaya's various poetic influences during this period, which have included David Malouf, Peter Porter, Les Murray and Giuseppe Ungaretti.

    'While many of the poems in latecomers, concerned the history and landscape of Bribie Island, where Savige grew up, this collection is about leaving the island and as such, it signals a departure from Latecomers.

    'The title, Surface to Air, conveys the central themes of the collection, which include: the archaeological exposure of history, both personal and cultural, to the present; the struggle for literal inspiration, (a title of one of the poems) in contemporary life, with issues ranging from consumerism to personal grievance and loss; the ubiquity of violence, and the relationship between actual violence and the simulacrum of violence and war (connoted by the phrase "surface-to-air missile"); among others. It is also an invitation to be mindful of the surface effects of language.' (From the publisher's website.)
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 2011
    pg. 20-21
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