The story begins in rural England and centres on the Squire Oakley who acquires surrounding properties to increase the size of his estate. One of the property owners, Franklin, refuses to sell, despite financial problems. There is an incident where the two men have an argument and Franklin's gun is discharged. A lengthy description of the court trial is given and Franklin is found guilty of attempted murder and for punishment is sent to Australia for 20 years. Squire Oakley subsequently purchases the Franklins' farm. Franklin's wife escapes to Australia with the help of her maid, leaving the son, William, behind in the care of the Oakleys and he becomes a part of the family. When he is old enough, Squire Oakley finds William a position onboard a ship and the story describes his adventures at sea. Eventually, William is reunited with his parents and takes up life on the land in Australia. However, he returns to England to restore the rift that has grown between the Oakleys and their own son, and remains there, marrying his childhood friend.