Issue Details: First known date: 2006... 2006 Australia and India : Interconnections : Identity, Representation, Belonging
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* Contents derived from the New Delhi,
South Asia, South and East Asia, Asia,
Mantra Books , 2006 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australian Studies and International Relations, Bruce Bennett , single work criticism (p. 1-10)
White on Black to Black on Black: From White Representation to Self-Representation of Australian Indigenous Literature, Sunili U. Govinnage , Sunil Govinnage , single work criticism (p. 50-61)
Self, Identity and Belonging: The Aboriginal Case, S. K. Sareen , single work criticism (p. 62-74)
Writing Self, Writing Community: Storytellers and Activism, Malati Mathur , single work criticism (p. 75-85)
The Rape of the Soul: The Plight of Aboriginal Children in Jane Harrison's Stolen, Usha Kalyani , single work criticism (p. 86-94)
Reshaping Fractured Identities: Trauma and Testimony in Sally Morgan's My Place, Punam C. Sharma , single work criticism (p. 95-111)
The Life Writing of Sally Dingo: A Case for Identification, Maria Srinivasan , single work criticism
Maria Srvinivasan says: 'The objective of this presentation is to reflect on the issues of identity and identification and consider how autobiography as a form displays this sense of self'.
(p. 112-121)
Truth as Fiction: Kim Scott's Benang and Beatrice Culleton's April Raintree, Neelima Kanwar , single work criticism
Neelima Kanwar's paper examines Kim Scott's Benang and Canadian writer Beatrice Culleton's April Raintree.
(p. 122-135)
You Must Be Joking!: Australian Values in Australian Jokes, Dennis Haskell , single work criticism
Dennis Haskell illustrates his paper on Australian humour with jokes from Steele Rudd's On Our Selection and Philip Adams and Patrice Newell's The Penguin Book of Australian Jokes.
(p. 136-155)
From the Personal to the Political: An Eco Feministic Reading of Inez Baranay's Neem Dreams., C. T. Indra , Eugenie Pinto , single work criticism (p. 156-167)
Leaving/Living: A Study of Three Immigrant Writers in Relation to Australian Identity, Keya Majumdar , single work criticism

Keya Majumdar says: 'My point of interest in this article would be to see how between the cracks of the diasporic narratives appear not the text of the Diaspora alone, but the inherent meaning of humanity. My study also hopes to find an emergent horizon of consensus, based on the international appreciation of the new generation of expatriates who outlook, as depicted in both Gooneratne's and Khan's narratives, signifies a committed movement towards multiculturalism.'

(p. 168-181)
Multicultural Experience in the Poems of Judith Rodriguez and Inez Baranay's Neem Dreams, Smita Agarwal , single work criticism
Smita Agarwal examines Inez Baranay's Neem Dreams and a range of poems from Judith Rodriguez's House by the Water: New and Selected Poems. Agarwal concludes: 'Between the two texts under consideration in this paper, the reader discerns multiculturalism's literary journey in a technologically advancing, globalised world. Whereas in the Rodriguez poems ... the explorations are tentative and self-reflexive, Baranay's novel is strident in its approach, with an emphasis on contemporary diversity and its thrust on the idea of other nations and cultures being able to contribute their experience on an equal footing to our collective understanding of a globalised society.'
(p. 182-192)
A Change of Skies and The Time of the Peacock : A Study of the Multi-Cultural Novels of Yasmine Gooneratne and Mena Abdullah, Pradip Kumar Patra , single work criticism (p. 193-201)
'The Chinaman Had No Fault Except That They Were Chinese': An Indian View of Australia in 1888, Margaret Allen , single work criticism
Margaret Allen looks at the 1893 publication, Reminiscences, English and Australasian: Being an Account of a Visit to England, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Ceylon, in which N. L. Doss records the anti-Chinese sentiment prevalent in the Australian colonies at the time of his visit. 'Doss's account of his travels in the Australian colonies in 1888 reveals an Indian view of the White Australian project at the point of its inception. Doss participates in the racialised hierarchies of the contemporary empire, locating himself as an Aryan like the English and superior to the Chinese and to the Indigienous peoples. Nevertheless, his ambivalence towards the racialist politics of the Australian colonies emerges at a number of crucial points in his text.' (p.215)
(p. 202-217)
Making an Ocean of a River: Reading Australian Poems on Sport, Ameena K. Ansari , single work criticism (p. 238-248)
Echoes of Modern Australia: The Writings of Fay Zwicky and Ania Walwicz, N. Bindu , single work criticism (p. 249-256)
In the Mid-Year of the Century: A Reading of Les Murray's 'Immigrant Voyage', Anisur Rahman , single work criticism (p. 257-265)
Orient and Re-Orient : Australia in Asia, David Robert Walker , single work criticism
David Walker illustrates his discussion of Australia's relationship with Asia with some references to Australian literature.
(p. 266-297)