y separately published work icon Victorian Readers : Sixth Book anthology   poetry   prose   children's fiction   essay   extract  
Issue Details: First known date: 1929... 1929 Victorian Readers : Sixth Book
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Victoria Education Department , 1940 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
My Countryi"The love of field and coppice,", Dorothea Mackellar , single work poetry (p. 1-3)
Sunrise in the Blue Mountains, Louise Mack , extract novel (p. 4-10)
Happy Creeki"The little creek goes winding", J. B. O'Hara , single work poetry (p. 10-11)
The Bush Schoolboyi"His bag upon his sturdy back, he goes,", Myra Morris , single work poetry (p. 15-18)
A Lover of the Bush, Mary Grant Bruce , extract children's fiction children's (p. 37-38)
A Song of Windi"Hark to the song of the scattering, scurrying,", Will Lawson , single work poetry (p. 38-39)
The Dream of Tommy Hurst, Mary Grant Bruce , single work children's fiction short story children's
This story was written in 1925 at the request of The Melbourne Society for the Protection of Animals. (Victorian Readers : Sixth Book, p. 226.)
(p. 43-49)
For Englandi"The bugles of England were blowing o'er the sea,", J. D. Burns , single work poetry war literature (p. 58)
Bell-Birdsi"By channels of coolness the echoes are calling,", Henry Kendall , single work poetry (p. 59-60)
Where the Pelican Builds Her Nest Where the Pelican Buildsi"The horses were ready, the rails were down,", Mary Hannay Foott , single work poetry (p. 89-90)
Calling to Mei"Through the hush of my heart in the spell of its dreaming", 'John O'Brien' , single work poetry (p. 96-97)
Clancy of the Overflowi"I had written him a letter which I had, for want of better", A. B. Paterson , single work poetry (p. 108-110)
An Australian Tornado, Conrad H. Sayce , single work extract novel (p. 123-126)
Hark! The Bells!, Adam Lindsay Gordon , single work extract poetry (p. 126-127)
The Loaded Dog, Henry Lawson , single work short story humour
Dave and Andy create a bomb to blast fish out of the waterhole. However their dog picks the bomb up and begins a deadly, yet hilarious, game of 'fetch'.
(p. 150-155)
Note: Abridged. Illustration by Nancy Liddelow.
A "Rush", Rolf Boldrewood , single work extract novel (p. 159-162)
Coachwhip Birdi"Who slipped across the gully then", Elsie Clarice Cole , single work poetry (p. 163)
Spider Orchidsi"Still they stand upon the hillside and the low sun glances", Marie E. J. Pitt , single work poetry (p. 164-165)
The House of the Commonwealth, Roderic Quinn , extract poetry (p. 221)