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Issue Details: First known date: 1999-2005... 1999-2005 Saloni M
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* Contents derived from the , 1999-2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
From Duality to Monismi"Hey you unaware! Don't search on the mountains or plains=Be hey gafil gezme ovayla bayir", Hidayet Ceylan , single work poetry
We Are All Aussies Nowi"Our bodies are here=Bedenimiz burada", Hidayet Ceylan , single work poetry
Fashion Godi"Fashion God commanded from high above=Moda Tanrisi yukseklerden buyurdu", Hidayet Ceylan , single work poetry
Your Monsteri"You call me a barbarian.", Ali Alizadeh , single work poetry
The Return, John Cipolla , single work short story
Dancing Through Mirrorsi"siekou horepse, kouklie mou", Angela Costi , single work poetry
Hurt, Letizia Mondello , single work short story
1963 Pitt Streeti"In the Athenaeum Club, the gamblers are still at it,", 'Thalia' , single work poetry
Note: This poem was read at Saloni Mediterranean, March 18, 1999
The Nuclear Mushroom, 'Thalia' , single work poetry
Monumenti"0000000000000000000000000", TT. O , single work poetry
Dancing by the Matala Moon, Helena Spyrou , single work short story
Art Meets Sleaze in a Mediterranean Dreamscape, Liz Suda , single work short story
Follow That Smell, Gabi Bila-Gunther , single work short story
Note: This poetic narrative was performed at Saloni M goes South, September 26, 2000.
With Clash Comes Culture, Angela Costi , single work essay
Grey Sundays and Unanswered Prayersi"It took one song, the song of grey Sundays and unanswered prayers", Angela Costi , single work poetry
Note: This poetic narrative was first performed at Saloni M goes South, September 26, 2000
The Recycled Sacki"The recycled sack holds many artefacts", Liz Colbert , single work poetry
Katrianai"Katriana lives in Amsterdam, above", Liz Colbert , single work poetry
Friedenscreich Hundertwasseri"Friedenscreich Hundertwasser believes in", Liz Colbert , single work poetry
Natural Historyi"Natural history was once the study of", Liz Colbert , single work poetry
Unvisitedi"I'm locked", Ian McBryde , single work poetry
Note: This poem (one of a selection) was read in English by Ian McBryde, and also translated and read in Greek by Jo Panas, at Saloni M goes South, September 26, 2000.