A fictional television drama series about a mobile scientific laboratory operated by the Delta group, an independent, non-profit research organisation loosely based on the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). As 'scientific trouble-shooters,' the Delta team make their expertise available to individuals, groups, and industry, community, or government bodies anywhere in Australia, using the latest scientific instruments to tackle whatever problems are brought to them. The mobile labs are backed up by scientists and research workers in many fields. Over the course of the series, the Delta group tackles a wide range of issues from industrial espionage to disease and bushfires.
For further details on the ABC's Delta series, see the Classic Australian Television website (q.v.)
'Inger Petri and Jeff Mallow are working on a routine assignment checking the safety of crop-dusting solution for Carters Laboratories when Mallow is sprayed by a crop dusting plane and collapses, near death. Inger suspects foul play.'
Source: Classic Australian Television. (Sighted: 11/6/2013)
Australia : ABC Television , 1970