'Common Ground is a writing project run by the National council of Jewish Women (NCJWA Vic.) for refugees and migrant women from three immigrant communities: Assyrian, Jewish and Sudanese. This project explored, through writing and storytelling, home as a changing place of identity and the common ground between these three groups' (p. viii).
Assyrian facilitators: Mariam Hormis and Vivian Hormiz; Sudanese facilitator: Souzan Mohamed.
The workshops with Jewish women were conducted in English; those with Assyrian and Sudanese women were in Arabic. Those women who did not write told their stories to another member of the group, who wrote it down. Some of the original texts in Arabic are included.
The contents are arranged in sections titled: 'Cultural Traditions,' 'What I Left,' 'Relatives,' 'Food,' 'Blood,' and 'Language, Luck and Destiny.'