Issue Details: First known date: 1945... 1945 Gleanings by the Wayside: A Collection of Memories and Impressions
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  • In his Foreword (5-6), the author explains his motives for writing these poems: a celebration of the natural world and joy 'in the recompense that comes with love and understanding of our fellows and our service to they who journey beside us.'
  • Dedication: they whose lives are so well known and understood by me, and in particular to my wife, ... these verses are affectionately and in all humility dedicated.
  • The Selection is divided into three parts: I. 'The Earth, the Sea, and the Sky'. II. 'Meditations'. III. 'Dedications'.


* Contents derived from the Hobart, Southeast Tasmania, Tasmania,:J. Walch , 1945 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Introductoryi"Herein, these verses rudely sung,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 7)
Autumn Morni"Awake, beloved,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 11-12)
Autumn Evei"The sun,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 13)
A Songi"Sing me a song of the crimson dawn", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 14-15)
Things to Lovei"I love to hear the murmur", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 16)
Thoughtsi"Northwards, ever northward,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 17-18)
Gratitudei"When comes the eventide, and day", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 19-20)
Contrastsi"The beauty of the morning sky", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 21)
Beautyi"How lovely soft the mellow light,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 22)
Honouri"How often do we sacrifice,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 25)
My Dreami"This is my dream.", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 26-27)
Is It?i"Is it worth it all, my brother,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 28-29)
Prayeri"In happy, simple childhood, free", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 30-31)
Elusive Sleepi"If I were free", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 32)
Womanhoodi"How oft,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 33-34)
Voicesi"The Girl: Tell me whither are we leading", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 35-36)
Lovei"My love,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 37)
Alonei"Alone I lie,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 38-39)
The Beaconi"We shall not falter though the journey be", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 40)
To Old Edinai"Edinburgh, Edinburgh,", John A. Turnbull , single work poetry (p. 43)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 9 Nov 2008 08:13:48