'This issue opens with papers on colonial Queensland by Kerry Heckenberg and Denis Cryle. Heckenberg's paper, 'Conflicting Visions', explores the life and art of the Queensland-born painter William George Wilson, whose work graces our cover. In a serendipitous connection with Denis Cryle's paper, William George Wilson (1849-1924) was the son' of the wealthy Scottish squatter William Wilson,. who arrived in Moreton Bay in 1843. Cryle's paper, 'Scottish Intellectuals in Colonial Queensland', argues that the dominant narrative of the colonial Scots as entrepreneurial and often ruthless pastoralists, politicians and businessmen fails to take into account the contributions of Scots to education, journalism, and the life of the mind ·and soul more generally. His case studies of two exemplars of 'Scotus Intellectualis' - John Dunmore Lang and George Wight - outline the intellectual and civic contributions of these two Protestant clergymen to the early colony of Queensland.' (Editorial)
2006 pg. 103