Column/Review - Includes the regular Saturday literary editorial/essay. This week's essay, titled 'Lighter Verse', is a review of English writer A. P. Herbert's Ballads for Broadbrows, (p. 12)
Review - Includes 'Books of the Week', the regular Saturday book review column. The works reviewed include : The Collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, by Edmund von Glaise-Horstenau (trans. Morrow) ; The Annals of Covent Garden and Its Neighbourhood, by E. Beresford Chancellor ; Heinrich Heine, by H. Walter ; Thy Servant a Dog, by Rudyard Kipling ; The League of Nations : Ten Years of World Co-Operation ; The Natural Mother, by Dominique Dunois ; The Clue of the Silver Key, by Edgar Wallace ; Murder en Route, by Brian Flynn ; Danger's Bright Eyes, by Sydney Horler ; Over the Hills, by Jeffery Farnol ; Sunnie of Timberline, by Robert Ames Bennet ; Intrigue Island, by Arthur Mills ; The Perfect Marriage, by Ruth Brockington, (p. 18).